Pros and Cons of GameSalad

Pros of using GameSalad – Its easy to use, once you understand the basics – You can create a very simple game – The tutorials are easy to follow if you’re a beginner – You can drag and drop in the characters backgrounds straight into GameSalad – GameSalad is aimed at non-programmers so anyone can […]

Development of Game Physics and Animation

Animation Action Early video game used created death sequences manually for their death animation. This had the advantage of having a low CPU utilisation as data was needed to animate a character ‘dying’ from a chosen set of pre-drawn frames. Over time,  death sequences have improved by having a higher polygon counts to make the death sequence […]

Unit 01 AO5 – Magazine Ownership

Total Film CompanyTotal Film is published by Future Publishing (PLC)It has offices in the UK in London and Bath – owns the US company Future US and Future Austrailia.They published over 150 magazines and over 40 webites.They have a contract publishing division Future Plus, but magazines and websites is there main source of revenue. StructureHead […]

Unit 01 A04: Discuss the effect representation of the media products on target audiences

Judith Butler’s Performativity Performativity as “…that reiterative power of discourse to produce the phenomena that it regulates and constrains” (Butler 1993). Identity is a performance (that includes the daily behaviour of individuals) which is based on social norms or habits. We can obviously see this in terms of gender of the cover stars of Total […]